It's a dog's life!
A whole day in the garden in the sunshine. There were a few clouds about but a super day to be busy out there. Reggie found it way too exhausting! He got too hot in his bed, which he has under the bench, to give him some shade so opted for the cool flagstones to relax! He watched while I spent all day moving plants, potting plants on and planting out plants! So many of the seedlings are still small and I'm not certain of any amount of fruition but I've done my bit to encourage it all to grow, now it's on its own! It was lovely to be outside all day, listening to the very vocal sheep and lambs and so many birds coming and going not seeming to mind us being around. The starlings are nesting under the eaves again this year, adults flying in and out constantly feeding the babies who are endlessly squawking! Our kitchen is the oldest part of the building, which was originally a cow byre and milking shed, presumably why our house is called the Byre House, and is a long low building so there is at least one family of starlings nesting up there. Also a family above the bathroom. Extras are screenshots I took from videos of them flying in and out.
All in all it was a satisfying albeit tiring day and I was very pleased of the leftover dinner that needed no effort!
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