Garden Wonderland

Summer arrived today! Cloudless blue sky, sunshine and warm temperatures, softened by a gentle breeze (to keep the midges at bay). It was a perfect day to visit Lip na Cloiche garden on the shore of Loch Tuath, just a 20 minute drive over the hill from home. This garden is privately owned (although open to the public) and has been fashioned from a bracken-clad hillside into an amazing densely planted space. The plants range from lush moisture lovers around the burn that tumbles down the hillside, to a stunning mixture of colourful shrubs and exotic echiums. The towering spire of one of these plants which are native to the Canary Islands can be seen on the right of the photo . The whole area is a gardeners' and photographers' paradise.
The extra is an example of some of the shrubs on show at this time of year.

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