
I’ve had difficulty deciding what I would share for the 30th as I was experimenting with in-camera multiple exposure and ICM.   I took quite a few photos among the trees, but I think there is too much going on, even when converted to B&W.  By the time I took this one I’d been a bit thrown by a couple of phone calls I answered while I was walking, which meant I had Ann very much in mind.  

I’ve been influenced by a Glenys Garnett project called `Wall’ which in turn was influenced by the Robert Frost poem, `Mending Wall’.  (She shares this on her `Projects’ talk and I can’t find it online.). I like the way she captures the dark brooding atmosphere of the Pennine Moor in one of her images, so I’ve been playing and trying to get a similar effect.  I think maybe there is too much going on in this image.  I’ll keep trying!

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