twinned with trumpton


A quiet first half of the morning (reading / dishes) before mounting the bike and heading on a 25km detour (bakery / Barnton / Cammo / airport / Embra Park) to get to Hers in time for some brunch. Still hung over subdued from the drink late night of the previous evening, I cooked and brewed strong coffee as we lazed about made a few plans for when the bedroom reverts to Her when the lad moves to London in early June.

I was despatched to forage and returned with sea bass (with tomatoes / chorizo / onion) and some new potatoes and spinach; she was still not that well - so not that well that I managed to watch the UCL final between despicable team 1 and despicable team 2. At least the despicable team that played best won in the end.

The lass still wasn't in by the time I made it home. She was very nearly still not home by the time I awoke the next day....

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