3,000 blips!

I have been counting off the days for a while now, and at last today is the day! Blip 3.000!
I have to confess there have been times in the last year when I really thought I wouldn't make it, but you are all such a good lot of people cheering me on ....I got there - thank you all.
I wanted to find something really special to blip today, but despite a walk along the canal at Loxwood nothing really stood out. So instead i sewed this little picture in honour of the event. 
It is very me I think, the countryside i love in the background, with bees and wild animals oh and a fox - I love my foxes! 
The Cockchafer (Maybug) came along for the ride, and the sloths are a nod to my Mum.
I will add some pictures of mating Azure damsels and a Teneral Scarce chaser in my extras.
Once again thank you all, you are all stars. 

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