Mono Ox

Odd sort of day. As I work UK hours/holidays today was a bank holiday for me, even though it was a normal working day in France. I pretty much spent most of the day pottering about doing computer things that needed doing, and then in the afternoon, messing about about with translation of subtitle files of various TV programmes, so I can watch them and more or less follow what's going on.

Towards the end of the day we went for a nice 34 km bike ride which was nice though I do need to lose weight and get more exercise - working from home isn't good for me!

All the side effects from my jab appear to have gone, the worst effect seemed to have been a sore arm starting at about 8 hours after the injection, lasting for about 36 hours - though fading from about half way.

Today's blip is another shot of the ox-eye daisies, no ladybird today, though I did find some elsewhere in the garden, but not on my poor apple trees....! I really do need to nuke the aphids before the kill my trees.

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