
Darran popped down to return an adjustable wrench he'd borrowed just in case (as you do), and then I went to the allotment. The haar was still in in Leith, so it was grey and chilly, but having achieved, ooh, 50 m elevation at Restalrig I was in warm sunshine and suddenly overdressed.

Then got a no 25 up to John Lewis (as you do) to collect something else I'd clicked on (nothing exciting this time, folks, just a printer ink cartridge). Sitting on the top deck enabled me to (a) hear a conversation that Irvine Welsh didn't write yet, and (b) get a good view of the fix they've found for the tramlines to traverse the Shrubhill humps. I'm sure that all the civil engineers on Blip will be enthralled (and possibly the uncivil ones too.....). Regular viewers might recognise the Leith Walk Tardis on the far side, which Stewart Bremner decorated back in the day.

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