Memorial Day

Today in the US is Memorial Day, a day to commemorate veterans who died in war. People typically have off and thus are on the road so I kept the distance short and went to a nearby waterfall at Turkey Run Park on <dramatic drumroll> Dead Run Loop. 

My grandfather was MIA in WWII. There is a plaque in the cemetery at his church in rural Montana. Part of my mother's ashes are buried next to his plaque. Today people (Veterans of Foreign Wars) held a ceremony in honor of veterans who died in war at the cemetery.  

On Dead Run Loop I chased and found (!) waterfalls. I also got to hear a female cicada. A great video about how male cicadas use their bodies as musical instruments ( taught me that while males scream with existential rage, females make clicking sounds to indicate receptivity. (So maybe don't snap your fingers repeatedly near the cicadas.) 

I think today was their loudest day to date. They definitely flew much more today than any previous day. They also were really into me. Two landed on my neck and one crawled up the inside of my pant leg. While I was calmly shaking it out, one appeared on the outside of one of my neighbor's pant leg and she screamed and swatted. I shouldn't laugh....but I am.  

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