Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli

Map mishap?

Having had to accept that schools don't want anyone over the age of 23 teaching 11 to 16-year-olds, I spent the day completing an application to teach A levels at a sixth form college. It's where my daughter went and, as she's hopefully about to get three As plus recently put them 'on the map' by winning an award, she's my trump card.

Speaking of maps, I've put a picture in the extras of the type of wallpaper I've been lobbying to get for the living room for the last ten years. Having been very excited that my dream was about to come true, my husband proudly unveiled the map he'd bought. It's smaller than a sheet of A3 paper and is now proudly displayed above our toilet.

Bless him, he tries his best..!

Update: You won’t believe this, but a second map picture has arrived - exactly like my dream wallpaper (see extra ‘extra’). I’m still unsure why they’ve both ended up in the downstairs toilet... and I don’t have the heart to tell him that South Sudan’s missing!

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