Sofa on the corniche

Now all we need are some pillows.  
Location is good,  just turn it around and enjoy the view

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 2,458 new cases, 14 fatalities and 2,484 recoveries today
Individuals vaccinated - 924,530
218,047 cases have been recorded in the sandpit.
Bahrain has  28,758 active cases,  407 are receiving treatment,  328 critical  cases.  953 deaths recorded.  238,356 recoveries.  Total tests done is  4,626,181

Singapore is opening up its Covid-19 vaccination programme to adolescents from Tuesday to help contain the latest outbreak.
The city-state is among the first countries in the world to offer vaccines to teenagers before completing inoculation of adults.

Australia's Victoria Covid-19 cluster swells to 51, next few days 'critical'.
Swift contact tracing, snap lockdowns and strict social distancing rules have helped Australia keep its COVID-19 numbers relatively low, with 22,275 local cases and 910 deaths. The country has ranked among the top 10 in a COVID-19 performance index for its successful handling of the pandemic.

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