6575 days Difference

6575 days Difference.
Our Sam, Grandchild 2 of 9, is 18 years old today. He was born on Sunday 1st June in 2003. I first met him on  Monday 2nd June. I know it was a Monday as I have my Scout uniform on.
Popped round to Zoe's house this morning to wish him a Happy Birthday and decided that I would like a photo to add to the one I took in 2003. We did talk about mirroring the photograph but as he was sitting on my lap we though it was better not to :)
He is a fine young man and has just successfully completed his college catering course and is now employed as an assistent Chef at the Ely Golf Club. 
They serve very good food I am told and it is now open to the general public too. I am looking forward to my first visit.

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