Random Andom

By RandomAndom

Day 68: Pancake Day

Not the traditional pancake day!

The picture above is of my favourite shot, A Pancake.

My friend Stevo introduced me to them a couple of years ago at a bar called Sinatra's in Aberdeen. They are bloody lovely.

Today Jonesy and myself had quite a chilled out day, we met up with Aders and Mark, and took Marks kid out for a walk. It was four men and a baby, and a dog, in the park, surely there's a movie in that somewhere?

After our walk to the park with Marks wee boy, we stopped by asda to get a couple of things before returning to Marks to watch the Rugby. While the rest were in Asda I was stuck outside with the dog, and when they returned Aders gave me a present. A Pineapple. I have no idea why he gave me a pineapple, and he never did explain himself. but it's always nice to be given a present.

A night in the pub was called for to celebrate Jonesy's visit to Aberdeen, so a night in the pub was had. Myself, Jonesy, McCombers and Stevo met up in The Prince Of Wales. The boys were shocked to discover that McCombers has not seen ANY of the movies that almost everyone on the planet has seen.

Go on, name a decent film from your childhood? I bet you McCombers hasn't seen it.

After The Prince Of Wales we went to Sinatra's to introduce Jonesy to the much talked about Pancake.

It really is a very nice shot.
It consists of a shot of Frangelico (Hazlenut liquer) and a lemon slice sprinkled with brown sugar.
Down the shot then suck the lemon. It really does taste like a pancake.

After our Pancakes we went to O'Neils and drank too much, danced way too much, and bumped into Mark who had been out on a stag do, and at some point there was tequila. As anyone who knows me well till you, I don;t drink tequila, I can;t be certain as I was pretty tipsy, but I think Jonesy drank mine. McCombers also claims that she didn't drink hers, and apparently Jonesy had her shot too.
This may explain why he fell down a short time later while we were attempting to get the late night bus home.

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