Scabia's ......

...... now in bloom!
A few weeks ago I wasn't sure I would see any blooms. But a bit of sun does wonders, yes plants need water but sun is needed for them to show their face.
I did a bit of weeding this morning, as I'm feeling a tad better , after 3 weeks of not, I'm going to pace myself I just don't want to go backwards but march on upwards!
I had a long video call to Thailand this morning. Mary is still living her dream tho' as the virus is now encroaching there , like here some hospitalities are closed so at the moment she feels somewhat restricted . Tho' she has a lot of friends there and at the moment her daughter is there , so life is still good for her.
Have a safe and enjoyable rest of the day / evening blippers.

Thoughtful ..... with still more thanks of another day.

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