A Grab Shot

I was round at The Larder by 9am in the faint hope that I would be able to avoid the 'Volunteers Breakfast' and get a move on with the deliveries befor heading south to No1 son and family.
No chance!
There was even a speech.
So, at 9.30am after a bacon roll and a cup of coffee (at least it wasn't a full on, sit down breakfast) and dishing out a load of spinning tops, I was off.

I grabbed the Blip at the entrance to my most remote delivery in case I didn't get the chance later on.

After grabbing a quick bite we set off to fill up with fuel.
It was then a slightly different route to head to Biggar and the M74.

That was when the trouble started.

We got about 2 miles and there was a tyre pressure warning light came on. So I had to stop and get the pump out and check the pressures. All seemed well and none of them were down compared to the others.
Still the light was on, but everything felt fine. Then we got stuck behind a couple of big, powerful cars who had no idea to drive round corners - but knew how to accelerate hard in the straights (of which there weren't enough.
At the services at Abington, before going onto the motorway I pulled in and reset the tyre deflation warning (which you can only do when stationary with the engine off).
5 miles down the road the damned thing pinged back on again.
I ignored it and we continued on our journey with no problems.

When we checked in at the hotel before going round to No1 son's and putting them out of their misery with Butterfly constantly asking when we were going to arrive.
When we went up to the room there was a vase of roses and cards from the girls sitting waiting for us.
So thoughtful.

It was then straight round to visit them.
That made up for the long journey (plus the extra 11/2hours).

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