The Sea View

After a promising start it all went a bit Pete Tong when Ref kicked Lily in the face resulting in a nose bleed, slightly blackened eyes and a ? broken nose.

Still, being a remarkably good mother (no, really!) I did got them all to school on time after speaking to Minor Injuries.

Cheeky with ClareClare helped me recover from the trauma. I then continued in my good motherly ways by going home to put tea in the slow cooker! This was followed by a meeting with a neighbour who runs a cleaning company (good mother, not good housewife). Hoobloodyrah!

This afternoon I took the spawn of satan (eyes of a killer) to Hobbycraft to get stuff for Brownies tonight. Oh how wonderful is Hobbycraft?! Shame MrRoly's son was a sod. I went to The Birdhouse then for cake to recover and the little bugger ate my cake before returning for the school run.

Tonight I took 2 of our Brownies to visit a Guide pack. I rather like this view in the day time but love it at night when it's all lit up. Obviously I didn't have my phone with me so I'm not sure how good it looks big, but you should be able to make out Pendennus Castle (far right), Ships and Castles (next to Castle) and RFA Argus in the docks...

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