Beaver spotting on the river Otter.
I'll just check I've typed that the correct way. Yep!
I went to the allotment first thing, finished planting the squash etc. Do sweetcorn & squash make good bedfellows ............. time will tell. I've squeezed all my plants into the plot so I'm satisfied. A fabulous day, I headed home, did a load of washing, then decided it was time to dig out the summer togs, so the winter togs (thick jumpers) had a wash and out on the line, the summer togs in the overhead wardrobe cupboard, it felt like a step workout. All my chores done, I made lunch and sat in the sun.
I received a call from jorgiesmum. Could we swap a badger watch for beaver .. I don't see why not .....& here is jorgiesmum wading through the stinging nettles to reach the riverbank. It's alright for J she's got longer legs than me .. Lots of sightings of the female as she made her way down the river to feed. The mayflies were in abundance dancing in the early evening sunshine, in a very short time, having mated they will die. The beaver startled a female mallard & brood, the very young ducklings scattering all ways on the river but quickly back in formation, behind mum. A couple of dragonflies, plenty of bird activity, plus one rather irritating person on his first visit to see the beaver. I'll leave it there.
A perfect evening excursion with my buddy. Fingers crossed we have a similar experience when we go badger spotting.
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