Postmill / Bockwindmühle
There are plenty of windfarms here, generating over a quarter of Germany’s electricity.
Harnessing wind power isn't new of course: there has been a windmill on this spot in Eldena for 500 years. Whilst this incarnation is rather more recent, it has been adopted, along with the dome of St Nicolai cathedral, as part of Greifwald's civic symbolism.
Apparently this is a postmill, a windmill supported by a post on which it pivots to catch the wind - makes sense!
“O, he is as tedious / As a tired horse, a railing wife; / Worse than a smoky house:
I had rather live / With cheese and garlic in a windmill, far, / Than feed on cates and have him talk to me In any summer-house in Christendom”.
(Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part 1)
"Mini-golf is a lot like life. It can be difficult. It can be rewarding. And there are windmills" (Charles Wachter).
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