What The Best Dressed Pond Dipper Wears

No1 son and Butterfly picked me up from the hotel after breakfast and west to the nature reserve before the hordes descended.
We left SWMBO to go and join Bunny and her mother at the house.
The weather was nice and not too hot. Butterfly was pointing out loads of stuff and indentifying and amazing amount of things during the pond dipping. I had to go and check the charts to find out if she was right ... and she was.
Apart from her propensity to introduce herself, take over conversations and apparently try to join other families (she is too damned friendly for her own good) the only drama we had was when she got a splinter in her thumb, Oh dear, the end of the world had arrived at that point. But once it had been removed (which required a trip back to the car for tweezers) all was well again.
I took loads of pictures - mainly of flowers and the likes, although there are some of flying and swimming things too -- Starting HERE.
I even tried an in camera double exposure but need to work on positioning within the frame more.

By the time we left the nature reserve it was coming up to lunchtime and the place was getting busy.

After lunch I had to dismantle a rocking chair which had been on loan from Bags and was to come back with us and it was then a case of long goodbyes and dragging ourselves away. Not easy when there was another earth shattering disaster when it was found that the freshwater clam shell Butterfly had found whilst dipping (a first for No1 son too) had broken. I will need to print out the picture and send it to her.

We headed off and got fuel before the trip home and that was when the trouble started.
There were road works on the approach to the motorway junction - slow but steady movement - with signs as to which lane to be in which meant a fight to actually be able to change lanes. Then, right on the highly congested roundabout we found that the signage was wrong and we were forced onto the motorway heading south, not north.
I was not happy but it wasn't too hard to get onto the A1 heading north.
Until we hit the miles of 10mph traffic (nothing about that at all on the radio/traffic warnings). Eventually I saw an oversized lorry broken down on a hill further ahead. We got to about half a mile of it before a police vehicle forced its way through to find out what was going on.
Once we were past it the traffic was fine all the way home - apart from the light rain that Clickychick had obviously arranged for us coming down off the Pennines, through Penrith and halfway to Carlisle  ..... thanks for that!

Nearly home and we saw H with a camper van in his drive - so we stopped.
It isn't a new toy - it is his brothers. He and Mrs H are taking a couple of the grandchildren (and there are loads) away for the weekend.

Fish & chips bought on passing the shop since there was nothing in the house to eat ............ and relax!

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