Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Anyone else had problems uploading blips yesterday? Mine hasn't shown up as my latest yet. Hopefully this one will have better luck.
Today I've been somewhat produktive outside on the patio. I've removed the frame that was left from my greenhouse, when the wind ripped it apart and moved some pots around. I swept the cement floor a bit to get rid go creepy crawlers. I thought I had an ant-nest this year too, because I thought I saw a lice farm in the tree that grows in my hedge. Thankfully they've moved on. The tree is not supposed to be in the hedge and I'm going to ask for help, again, from my landlord to remove it. 
I also moved another greenhouse, or it's more like shelves in a metal frame, and placed two strawberry plants on the top shelf and in the bottom I put the plastic rectangular 'sack' were my wild strawberries are fighting to survive. Two strawberry plants are also in pots hanging on the wall. I think I put one a bit too high, so I'm probably lowering that one later. Depending on if the strawberry plant survives and will grow. 
I need to do little by little now to preserve my energy and not go all in as i usually do. 
I've also watched some more youtube videos about the telescope. One was really helpful with tips and tricks when using it. How to get a good focus, for example. With my bad eyesight I've been somewhat worried that I'm not going to get a good focus and sharp images... since I'm having trouble getting focus manually on my camera. It's not the same, I know, but... 
So, I saw this really neat trick to get focus that I'm going to use. I'm writing down everything in the instruction folder I got with the telescope. I'll blip it soon. :)
One of my old geraniums are flowering. The only one with white flowers in this window. All the others have pink. :)

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