The 'Schaapweimolen', Rijswijk

'Schaapwei' = 'SHKHaap-why' = 'sheep meadow'.  A lovely name!
'Rijswijk' sounds like 'RICE-wike'.  Assuredly, no rice is grown there.
I thought of this windmill when I went to Wateringen weeks ago.  This time, I studied Google maps for a quarter of an hour, pinpointing the exact back roads needed to get to this point.  It all looks fairly easy once you are on the road.  You can't park your car right next to it but it is easily reached on foot once you do find a spot near the pedestrian walkway.  I didn't mind the walk as it was a beautiful day.

Extra 1 = the various polders that make up the area, all under the management of the 'hoogheemraadschap' or water management committee of Delfland (the area is close to Delft and includes Delft), complete with the coats of arms of the original committee members.  If you were one of the water managers hundreds of years ago, you were considered almost as royalty.  That's how important this work was.
Extra 2 = an ex-windmill.  Not sure what it's being used for today.  It's inside a piece of private property so I couldn't take a look.  I think it's now a kind of shed for some farming and gardening tools.
As for this windmill... it's actually someone's home!  Cozy and tight, hm?

Some odds and ends of various activities in the afternoon, and then, after dinner, I drove AW to Sweed's and Benna's for their Friday evening live bridge, so that I could also have a nice chat with Benna, whom I'd not really seen for quite a while.  It is different when you're only talking on the phone.  She and I caught up with various chunks of gossip but also with checking up on how the other is doing.  For example, they'll get their second shots next week, and AW and I will have our turn the week after.  Went home afterwards and I was back at their place at 23.00 to pick up AW, but they weren't finished yet.  We ended up leaving a half hour past midnight.

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