Taking a break

What a frustrating day.

Arnie left at sparrows to play golf, he said it was the coldest he had ever been on a golf course. I got some work done while we still had power at home. After it went off I headed to the office, where the power had tripped resulting in the cobbled together plan to keep the wifi up failing. We have a cobbled together plan because our server has gone on strike as a result of all the load shedding and is currently with the techs negotiating a return to service.

At least our wander with Shiv was reasonably okay, apart from the two whippets that were intent on a bit of a rammy.

We had load shedding again in the evening that finished just before our weekly get together on line. Fun and games the ensued as we figured out another platform to use as Teams was no longer an option for S.

It didn't help that our wifi was not willing to stay up but it was fun while it lasted.

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