Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


Today was our first Beltane rehearsal following the "positive deselection process" aka "The Cut". I'm leading a group called White (those that have been with my journal since 2010 may remember lots of talk of White back then). When I have more time I will explain Beltane and the character of our group.

We were scheduled to be up on the hill for 4 hours. Everyone made it up but there was wind, there was snow, there was hail, there was even occasionally sunshine. We found a sheltered spot to practice but had to move when the wind changed and the snow came again. We huddled drinking chai and eating shortbread until it died down a bit. An hour and a half in we realised everyone was cold and tired so headed to the pub.

Glancing out of the window before bed there was a blizzard of white.

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