Happy 78th birthday!

We had #2 daughter, Ella and Nathaniel staying overnight so it was a bit of a rush for me to get everything ready for Mr C’s birthday lunch. Luke was working so there were 9 of us.

Mr C got books about St Kilda, and Raasey gin. Ailie called with a gift as did Chris who was unwell with a bug so she did not stay. Her son and family had been visiting from Manchester so she’d done a Covid test.

We had a glass of champagne then steak burgers, lemony garlic potatoes and salad. Then the children headed out to the woods to make a camp. They had “beds” which Ella made with leaves. (Sadly gender roles were traditional ) - while the boys were Aztecs defending the camp from imaginary Conquistadors. Thomas found a fox skull.

They returned for cake then I took them to the postbox so that Nathaniel could post his letter to David Attenborough. He was writing to thank him for making such “fascinating “ programmes.

Not the news we were hoping for from Dennis. His bladder cancer is still lurking in spots so he’ll get a blast of chemo.

Now I am about to clear up as we are going to Phil and Carol’s for a meal tonight.

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