Roma named after the wife of the first Governor of Qld. Her first name was Diamantina ( also a river and consequently the song Diamantina Cocktail by the band LRB). It’s interesting what you find out when you go walkabout. 

When we are travelling Bob is always waiting for me. I spend more time reading the signs and loitering.  I can usually find him in the coffee shop or on a seat, patiently waiting for me to appear. We found the Roma bush gardens after going around in circles ( literally). We passed the same petrol station three times. How hard can it be to find a tourist attraction in a small town? Anyway the gardens were interesting to anyone who likes plants. There was a long walkway around a little lake. The garden was filled with native trees and grasses and signs to tell you what they were. 

Before that we went to the tourist information centre and had a coffee and looked around an old slab hut which was built by hand in the 1890s. It had three small rooms to house the settler his wife and 9 children. I wonder if they could all stand up in there let alone sleep.

Extra shows some of the building around town and bottle trees in the centre of town. There are about 8000 ( that should be 7000) people living here,  it is a hub for this part of Queensland and looks prosperous with no unemployment. 

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