Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli

First lily... in a few years!

A couple of years ago we had to have our pond completely cleared out by a digger as it had become too clogged with reeds to deal with ourselves. Having just finished removing - by hand - literally tonnes of rubbish from the area, much of it left by the previous owners, it was quite heartbreaking to then have to face the prospect of getting rid of the piles of reeds that subsequently re-filled the space I'd worked so hard to uncover.

I spent much of the first lockdown clearing the area - again - and so it was amazing this morning to see that the water lilies I thought had been lost when I got rid of the reeds seem to have survived and have finally started blooming again. Hopefully that means we'll see the dragonflies and damselflies back soon. It has been hard work but well worth it.

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