
By Sproutling

Day 243/8 months

that's right another month older,
another month of growing, learning,
another month of surviving Older Sibling,
And her rude photo bombing!
AND more importantly,
another month of them parents,
not realizing how much food I need,
resulting in me being forced to eat Parent 1's camera strap,
I am so denying the cheese sandwich, the rusk and yoghurt eaten just before......

8 Month Update,

I can sit up totally now,
I have 6 Teeth,
The only food I don't like is fish,
I still have silly hair,
I have learnt to clap,
I love bath time splashes,
I have a set night time routine, (break it and you pay!)
I have started making more word like sounds,
I can fly round the downstairs of the house in the walker,
I love cuddles and snuggles

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