From Our Ecotopia Carlsheaven

I did good work today. I cleared the way for the waterhose to  be rolled out. It stayed cloudy the whole day. But warm and pleasant. Also I could clean up a part of Willemiens Atelier. Just putting things in order. What She used to do. And I took care of Our new Hollyhocks, removing the old ones. And collecting the seeds to sow in an other part of the garden.
And I also went on re-reading  a book written by an old friend of Ours: the Land. A radical, very beautifull, stubborn and poetically written personal ecosophy. About the land on which she lives in her old farm. Putting everything in the context of the concrete life-world, valueloaded with animals, grasses, canals old riverbeds. An archeology and economical description of the history of this farmers land, global food production and the destructive effects of industrialized agiculture. Clearly, loudly and sofly voiced by a radical green poetesse. Whom we happened to befriend in our old academic lifetime and from then on did a lot together.
As often happens, somewhere during Mischa’s schooltime years we went different ways. But Willemiens death brought us back together again. Reading her is a feast of recognition, reminding about a life-history of shared values and vision for the future. Thankyou Agatha for giving back to me all those re-minding miracles of lanuage&reality. They open up the deep Lines, perspectives and horizons of our own endeavours, the meandering course of Our Lovely life. In search of of Our Secret Garden, this paradise where We came to live together in peace, love and gratefull creativity. This Carlsheaven from where these words are tuning now.

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