
We have enjoyed an absolutely lovely sunny day today. We visited two gardens in Postling not far from Hythe and Folkestone but seemingly utterly remote and free from development. The first one had two nutteries where Kent cobnuts are grown, The harvest used to go to traditional green grocers in Hythe but now the wholesaler who buys them sells many to Turkish establishments in South London. They like them green so they can be eaten raw but it's also common to roast them. I used to live in Turkey in the early 70's and enjoyed the nuts grown and sold there, especially pistachios and hazelnuts. 
One garden was wild with lakes and a wood and the second manicured with lots of borders and myriad plants. The church was two thirds pre-Norman and there was a war grave in the cemetary. We walked across the fields to to the Old Vicarage farm where the teas in aid of the church included ot just home cakes but burgers and sausages. There were craft stalls too. Spitfires were busy in the sky. We sat on a bench by the pond and enjoyed a burger. On the way home via Rhodes Minnis and Stelling Minnis we stopped to purchase eggs - all different colours - and walked along the path leading from the parking spot. The hedgerows were in full bloom with masses of cow parsley and May blossom.
The common at Stelling Minnis was never enclosed and it's a lovely bushy rural space where people like to walk - good for dog walking too.
Home for Pimms and later tea.

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