Magical Sight

Was out early for my walk by the canal and it was lovely. I sat on my bench enjoying the peace and refections. As I walked to the woods along the path I was hoping and praying for something special to see today as it's my birthday and when I turned there were 2 deer running across the field. I walked in the woods looking for them but didn't find them . As I walked back along the path another deer ran across the field, I pointed my camera to where it was running to and there was the stag, I hadn't seen it by looking. What a magical sight and so special.
I went with Mel and Ada for coffee and cake then came home and watched the formula 1.  Out for a meal with Mel, Ada and Dom at Sandra and Michaels. it is also Michaels birthday. Sandra is Mel's MiL.
I've had a lovely day.

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