Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Real men .....

don't use a safety razor!

Guess that means I'm not a real man as I do. This vintage razor is just for show although it is genuine and would have been used once upon a time. I did give it a go and it is pretty lethal. Has the same effect on your face as a mandolin has on a vegetable. In fact, you could use it for skin grafts.

My son goes one further and uses a cut throat razor. Show off.

Had to give the sink a good spring clean before taking this picture. It was not a pretty sight first thing this morning.

Rosina had bolied eggs for breakfast. They were hard and not soft. Got me to wondering - why is it that if I am soft boiling an egg, it will have a hard yolk if I go slightly over the 3 minutes but if I'm hard boling an egg, it will be soft if I take it out in anything under 7 minutes?

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