Meet Matilda...

It's been so long now that I can't remember whether I was friends with Dom on Twitter before I met him in person via the Minx. What I do know is that over the last eight or nine years we have become fast friends.

When I first met him, however and whenever that was, he was running a creative agency in Manchester but somewhere along the way, he gave all that up to become a poet and a writer. Now that's brave.

You know, I had one idea for a novel in the late nineties and now, over twenty years later, I've managed to write twenty thousand words. That's less than three words a day, isn't it? Dom, on the other hand, is prolific both in his ideas and, crucially, their execution.

I also can't remember when he first mentioned the idea for his book 'Meet Matilda, Rocket Builder', but it wasn't *that* long ago. And yet, today, he gave me a copy of the book, which he had kindly signed ("For all your giant leaps"). As Alan Moore said, when you make something from nothing, that's magic.

So, if you or someone you know would be interested in learning about how to get to the Moon - as, indeed, we all should be; it's one of Mankind's greatest achievements - then I wholeheartedly recommend that you pick up a copy from here.

Reading: 'Touching The Void' by Joe Simpson.

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