... and we are back

6.0C and bright. Blue sky, but a cold breeze.

Back from Edinburgh. Yesterday's research at the Scotlands People Centre will be sorted out and put in place within my family tree over the next few days. I found some more people to add to my Orkney connections, but more satisfying was getting solid dates and register entries to prove some links that I had been working on from census returns and 'Monumental Inscriptions' from Orkney data that I accessed through the Orkney Family History Society.

First thing this morning we picked up Maeve the Deerhound from the kennels. She was very happy to see us, and most enthusiastic about getting into the car !

Apothecary7 has gone to see her mum today so Maeve and I set off for our usual routine walk after lunch. In a very cold breeze we visited the field with the bridle path and saw that the last of the bales are slowly but surely being taken away on the trailers. We walked down the path today as the field is almost all ploughed.

Over the level crossing and down to the beach. The tide was well in. The sand was damp and firm. There were two other dog walkers with dogs. The owner of 'Shamara II' was working near his boat.

I stopped to look East just as we reached the Fishermen's huts area and the blip is the view out over the dune grass looking in that direction. It was good to be back by the sea :-)

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