Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Mono Monday: Ready

Dosh.  Bread.  Dough.  Moolah. Lucre.  Folding.  Readies.  See, I got there in the end.  A mono Monday theme of ‘ready’, so here’s some ready money.  Shrapnel.  Wodge.....

Actually, today has involved money in various forms.  The curtain people came to fit four sets of curtains.  They all look lovely except we noticed after they had gone that one set had been made with the fabric upside down.  And of course, now we’ve seen it, we can’t unsee it.  A phone call and some pictures sent and we’ll see what happens.  We also had a query on the hall flooring which is showing a bit of a ripple effect and which we think might need to be relaid, so we’ve not paid the bill yet.  They’ll visit next week.

We’d fully intended to go to the beach this afternoon and have a paddle but it doesn’t look like we’ll make it.  I suspect that after today we might have an early evening wander into town and have a drink!

Thanks to random_angel for hosting.

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