Action Not Promises

There was supposed to be an Extinction Rebellion 'organised' event on Portobello Beach this afternoon. As with much XR activity it is resolutely not organised top-down. To start with the FB post about the event had it as started at 4pm at the Leisure Centre aka Tumbles if you live locally. I wandered along but there was no one there. Fair enough, I thought. It was a bit ad hoc and impromptu and I had seen some earlier pictures of people doing their own thing to join in the four-day Make The Wave protest that is supposed to be sweeping round the UK coast this week, ending up in Cornwall ahead of the G7 summit. As I walked along the Prom there were a few people gathered in front of the Baths (aka The Swim Centre), along with a couple of press photographers. The photographers seemed to be getting a bit frustrated by the casual nature of the event they were there to photograph - billed as starting at 4pm. They managed to get a few people into the water with a banner and although I took a few shots of that, I much preferred this shot of three young girls from Towerbank with their home made signs. They were with at least one parent, who asked me to take their picture, so no issue about taking their photo. I wonder what the sea-level will be when the three of them are my age, some time in the early 2070s. 

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