Chilling out

A nice chilled morning for three of the Wildlings. Lincoln woke with a headache but was soon ok after having Calpol. Hopefully it won't take long for these migraine tablets to work. 

Now when I was a wee wildling, for breakfast we would have toast or cereal. Little Lincoln loves to have avocado on toast . So that's what he has this morning and devoured a whole avocado. 

Carson sat on Lincoln's knee for such a long time just chilling. 

We arranged to have a playdate at a park with Lincoln and his nursery friend.  . They all had fun together. Wee Albie is only three but they get on pretty well. And wreck it Ralph went to sleep in the buggy so I didn't have to chase after him. He's some boy . 

Xander and the Wildlings played out in the street after school and then our neighbour's daughter came for a play in the garden. 

I feel so much better today. I slept for a whole seven hours straight. I would have slept longer but foot cramp woke me up. I did manage to have a coffee in peace. 

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