Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk


I've been meaning to blip this for some time now, but something always comes in the way. This was the last time I stood across the road from the house that this installation belongs to, with my tele lens on the camera... I have a couple of these now and hopefully the people living in the house haven't seen me every time...
There was actually something coming in the way this time too... As I stood there, the moment before I picked up my camera, I saw something flying high above and coming my way. It was a large military aircraft and as I stood there gaping at it, I thought 'pick up the camera!! Now!!' After a bit of fumbling around with setting the point for sharpness and getting sharpness were it should be I finally got one god shot whilst it was passing over me. But, since I wasn't going to take another photo of the 'car in the wall', I thought this would be more fun to look at... :)
Cold outside today, but no slipping and no close contact with yellow snow, so I'm happy! :)

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