
By Grammy

Mr. And Mrs.

Sunny and intensely warm today especially due to the high humidity. We are expecting storms all week. Up early to do the last load of laundry and gather necessities to take to my daughter’s for the week. This pair of goldfinches greeted me early today. The photo could be better but there was a glare from the kitchen window. Hubby was on the road to TN by 7:00 am. (He arrived safely at 5:00 pm). Then it was time to attack the yard sale sorting and pricing in my daughter’s RV garage. My sister started at least 2 hours before me. This project is hard work. We broke for lunch, sorted more stuff for about 90 more minutes and then I hit their recliner. Leftovers for dinner. Then I will head home to pack for the week but I simply had to get out of the heat and rest my legs a bit. When we were younger, the nuns always told us to offer up our sufferings to the poor souls in Purgatory. This week, my sister said we will offer up being in the heat and on concrete all day for those poor parents who lost their children due to fatal childhood illnesses. Thanks for visiting.

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