Going For A Scoot.

Isabella got a new scooter for her birthday.  So, her old one has come down to Mia.

Not for long though, Mia is also getting a new scooter, on her birthday.

Hopefully, by then Mia will have got the hang of a 2 wheel scooter.  She's more used to a 3 wheeled one.

It was only 8c this morning.  But by the time we went out it was starting to warm up.

So after she'd had a scoot, we left the scooter at home, and went for a walk.  This time her little teddy had to come, as seen in the extra.

Conversation with Mia.

'Grandma, you can come to my party.'

'That's nice, who else is coming?'

'Nanny and Poppy,'  (her other Grandparents).

'What about Grandpa?'

'Yes, he can come.  All the old people can come.'

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