Carnarvon Gorge

We are in central Queensland. The tops of the mountain range (Mt Sugarloaf) go up to 1154metres. Today we started off to walk into the gorge itself unsure of how far we would accomplish. There are side walks along the way. We were the second slowest couple on the walk and we saw one man who looked like he ran the whole way. Many people were in the older age range and we were surprised to see how many fit people there are and few were overweight. 

Walking has never been someone we have excelled in (bushwalking that is). I have bad knees and get a fast heart rate when walking - I’m much fitter riding a bike. I know much is my lack of fitness but I can get a rapid HR by doing almost nothing ( even walking into a doctors surgery). I have had it checked out on a few occasions with nothing serious found. It returns to normal quickly. Well after about 10 minutes I was wondering if I should turn back, it was hard going. The creek I have blipped in the main picture was easy enough but we crossed the creek more times and each time it was trickier and I got wet feet. 

After an hour or so walked up into the first gorge side track into the “Moss Garden”. There were heaps of steps but was worth the effort. The cliffs almost touch at the top, water drips all year long and the walls are covered with moss and ferns. We stopped for a snack and drink then headed home. The return journey was easier and I achieved 528% of my usual exercise time. Had a deep sleep on return to the van and wonder if I will be able to walk tomorrow. 

So that is my day. I don’t think I will forget it, a hard walk but very enjoyable.

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