Volcanic Fire

Looked like some poppies erupted overnight!  When I tried to shoot them the 'usual' way, they just looked like orange blobs on the viewer, so I tried some close-ups.  Rather garish, huh?  This is the outside of the flower, btw.

AW visited his physio this morning.  I'll call him Jules.  Anyway, Jules was positive with COVID-19 a month ago and had to cancel all his appointments and go into serious quarantine.  He wasn't too badly affected health-wise, his symptoms were not life-threatening, everything was manageable.  Unfortunately, the same could not be said for his immediate family.  Both his wife and children were dangerously ill.  He spent his time nursing them and they needed all the help they could get, too.  Everyone improved and he's back at work, but that was one hell of a scare.

Then, early in the afternoon, we went to the kitchen shop where we ordered our kitchen more than a year ago.  The salesman who helped us out has long since found employment elsewhere, so we were helped by a pretty young miss who really knew what she was talking about, despite the fact that she'd just started with this job earlier this year.  We ordered an additional cabinet, which wasn't a problem.  The measuring guy will come around on Monday next week to check all the stats.  We would really like the whole thing to take place this year as a delay would serve no purpose at all.  After we were done with the business, while she was updating and finalizing our contract, we got to talking about how COVID affected their particular branch of business, and she ended up telling us about how her 29-year-old boyfriend fell ill with it last year and actually almost died, despite the fact that he was living a healthy lifestyle with no booze or smokes and exercised regularly and all that.  One can never really tell how seriously one will get struck down by it, although of course a healthy lifestyle might lead to greater chances of surviving.

In short, all the more reason to ignore the deniers and nay-sayers, and all those who dismiss it as a hoax, and claim, rather stupidly, that vaccinations will change your DNA and make you 'easier to control by aliens', and more of that nonsense.  I've heard of people denying it up to their last breath on their deathbeds in the ICU.  They're too far gone to help.

For a change, AW picked up two other Horsemen of the Apocalypse and they all went to Hennen's place and played 'klaverjassen', which I'll just call 'trump'.  They hadn't come together for a couple of years now and the virus discouraged it anyway, but now that everyone has had at least one shot, they thought it would be okay.  I spent the evening MOOCking with some research and gaming in between.  The sweaters I put out to drip-dry during the day were all dry, so I guess I've caught up with that, too.

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