
By yogajill

Red Letter Day

After 15 months I shared my first face to face yoga class outdoors in the Crichton grounds. It felt special , a turning point. I felt the buzz of excitement that I have before classes.

I was joined by 17 lovely souls. I themed the class around connection to the Earth , ourselves and each other. The only challenge was the noise of 3 strimmers across the road !! Not ideal, but mindful practice allows us to accept things more easily and be grateful for all the good things- the beautiful space to practice in , trees, blue sky , sunshine and most importantly each other. Weather permitting I will run more sessions over the summer.
I had invaluable support from my friend Becky who runs her yoga / mindfulness business from Carmont House. It was lovely to meet the mums she had brought along to the session.

I was too caught up in the moment to photograph the beautiful surroundings , but will do that another day. Instead I’m sharing a photo of an iris in the front garden. A real beauty.

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