Jabs, clips, cleaning and chat
Back blipped Tuesday 8th
Busy old day with the first task to take Miss PHL for her first vaccine. Although she’s only 22, due to her recent coeliac diagnosis she was eligible to get her first dose earlier than her age group. It only took 4 phone calls to the helpline to find someone who was able to make the appointment for her!
As she’s quite needle phobic due to dental incident when she was 6, I wasn’t sure how it would go but she seemed cheerful enough when I dropped her at the centre and went to park the car. She made it through the entrance but got upset in the queue and was very grateful that they took her to a private room and brought someone in to her to deliver the dose. She called me after and I was allowed to go and sit with her. They’ve suggested I accompany her for her second dose - which I should probably have suggested anyway. She’s got a bit of a sore arm but no other side effects.
Popped to the shops to pick up a chicken for dinner as a very dear friend was coming to stay over as she has a funeral in Edinburgh to attend on Tuesday. Home to grab some lunch before taking Phin to have his nails clipped. The groomer was lovely and managed to clip his nails so he doesn’t slide as much on the laminate and tiled floor in the kitchen any more. He was such a good boy, he totally deserved his treat when we got home.
Tidied the spare room and sorted out towels etc - it looks brilliant now all the clutter has been moved out. I hope to keep it that way but we don’t have a good track record of doing so!
Prepped the dinner - a Gordon Ramsay recipe - chicken with chickpea stuffing served with a green salad. I also roasted some baby potatoes. It was quite delicious if I say so myself.
My friend arrived just after 6 and we sat in the garden chatting and enjoying some wine until dinner was ready. We last got together in February 2019 so there was a lot to catch up on. We’ve known each other for 35 years this year and when we do get together it’s as if we saw each other yesterday. We drank a bit too much, laughed and caught up - it was wonderful.
I should have blipped during the day but I didn’t - and as I had neglected to blip anything I’ve been a bit naughty and used the dogwood blip I intended to post on Friday but couldn’t as Blip was having its wee problem.
Looking forward to your green images for TinyTuesday - tag is TT315
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