Mass exodus

Back blipped on 8th June (I will catch up sometime soon!)

I woke really early, but W was sleeping soundly, so I just lay in bed and read.  

We woke to bright sunshine, so I was happy to tackle the washing mountain.  But by the time we had had our Sunday poached eggs, and I was hanging out the first load, the sun had gone in.  Thereafter, there were intermittent black clouds and sunshine.  But shortly after I hung out the third load it started to rain!!!  Typically, soon after I had taken it all in, the sun came out again.  Never mind - it'll finish drying on the rack in the studio now.

I tackled some of the weeding - the nettles are now mostly in our brown bin.  In the rather variable weather I didn't see much Odonata activity on the pond - just a solitary damselfly.  But there was clear evidence of considerable activity sometime quite recently - I counted 17 exuviae on the reeds around the pond - the photo shows 5 of them clustered quite close together.

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