Oedemera nobilis -
Thick-legged flower beetle.
An early start on the plot, a glorious morning, Dartmoor looking hazy, a warm day ahead. I quickly washed the car, so much easier with a water supply right beside the car park on site. The Love-in-the-mist planted on the edge of my plot, sharing a bed with my spuds this year, looked so pretty, the dew sparkling in the early morning sunshine. They've self seeded, gone right through the winter, now just colouring up. Next job, feed the robins, shoo the pheasants away, I think its them sampling my gooseberries, realising they're sour, leaving them on the ground. I need to deal with that or I won't have any fruit. I weeded the rainbow chard, watered a few plants. Stopped for a cuppa, taking in the view. I managed to cut through the old wire coathangers, making pegs for holding down the netting over the blueberry plants. Yay!!! That was'nt difficult! I sprayed the docks & dandelions that I can't root out. Another slurp of coffee then it was time to head up to town. I went around the shops asking if they would display the new posters for this Sunday's plant sale. Down to Mum's with runner bean & cosmos plants to pop in her garden. Jobs completed, the pyracantha up the front of the bungalow needed trimming back so another job I had'nt planned on doing. Then the jasmine ... Hubby was'nt very happy when I returned. Oh dear!!! In the doghouse again. Lunch sorted, it was time to introduce my legs to the 2021 Summer season... I sat in the sun reading the Gardener's World mags Mum gave me. Phew! It was warm today. How to brown the back of my legs???? Today's solution was okay but not particularly comfortable .. I need a sun lounger.
I made Mr Happy a beef curry for his dinner .. it was extremely hot .... apparently. :-( I made a big pan of ratatouille, dinner for me tonight, plus plenty for freezing.
Thanks to Pinkhairedlady for hosting Tiny Tuesday This weeks # GREEN
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