Now is all you have

By AgnesSkula

Day 13. Written word.

Well, the written word to the left is my street name :) Helgamagrastræti.
Do you want to know what it stands for?
Helga-magra-street (the two a's are because of Icelandic bending of the words).
My street is named after the viking Helgi magri (Helgi the slim). His wife Þórunn Hyrna also has a street named after her, it's called "Þórunnarstræti" and is the street next to Helgamagrastræti. A kindergarten between the streets is named after their daughter "Hólmasól".
Helgi magri and Þórunn Hyrna were the first people to live in Eyjafjörður in the 9th century. My hometown Akureyri stands in the fjord Eyjafjörður.

I'm taking part in a 30 day black and white photography challenge.

Day 1: Favorite food - uppáhalds maturinn.
Day 2: Smile - Bros/brostu
Day 3: Happiness - Hamingja
Day 4: Leaves - lauf
Dayr 5: Morning sky - morgun himinn
Day 6 Books - bækur
Day 7: Something funny - eitthvað fyndið
Day 8: In the air - Á lofti/í loftinu
Day 9: Inspiring - Hvetjandi
Day 10: Nature - Náttúra
Day11: Something old - eitthvað gamalt
Day 12: Hands - hendur
Day13: Written word - skrifuð orð

Day 14: Movement - hreyfing
Day 15: Technology - Tækni
Day 16: Animals - dýr
Day 17: memories - minningar
Day 18: Somethng new - eitthvað nýtt
Day 19: Best friend - besti vinur
Day 20: Seasonal - árstíðabundinn
Day 21: Where you sleep - þar sem þú sefur
Day 22: Clothing - fatnaður
Day 23: In your closet - í skápnum
Day 24: gratitude - þakklæti
Day 25: Artwork - listaverk
Day 26: transportation - flutningar/samgöngur
Day 27: Daily routine - dagleg rútína
Day 28: nighttime - um nótt
Day 29: Light - ljós/birta
Day 30: Building - Bygging/byggja
Day 31: Self portrait - sjálfsmynd

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