
By SadlerStar

Woodman spare that Tree!

The snow is melting rapidly and we are getting back to normal but, lots of trees have suffered.
They suffered because of a 3 pronged attack...which many were unable to resist.
They were:
1. Waterlogged soil reduced the grip of deep roots
2, A very heavy weight of snow on the branches to make them top heavy
3. Very strong and sustained winds from an unusual direction
This prolonged attack proved too much for many of them and they came crashing down across buildings, cars but mainly just empty roads.
One gentleman was in his car waiting in traffic when he heard a whoosh...looking back he saw a very large tree across the back seats of his car...a very lucky man!
Fortunately the small lane in which we live has two entrances so we were not trapped at home. The other entrance is totally blocked by this beautiful and aged tree which sadly crashed down.
Sad but, never mind...a thinning out occasionally is not the end of the world!
Hope your week is going well!

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