Kiss My Trash
I genuinely spent far too long looking at this pin trying to figure out what made it 'After Dark' (sweary) before I realised that the racoon is flippin' the bird, which I have censored just in case!
Work today was a minor palaver; we've switched email providers and for the time being we have to use Web Outlook, which might be one of the least user friendly or intuitive programs. I spent far too large a portion of my day doing things like trying to reset my timezone because all my meetings were an hour late in my calendar, changing my email address on the many, many supplier websites I order from for the charity, figuring out how to add a signature to a shared account and other things that are very easy in the Outlook desktop app but aren't in even vaguely the same place in the web version. It was maddening and frustratingly unproductive. After work we watched a film called Money Plane and I just...I mean, it's total trash, but vaguely fun trash. If you watch it, do a drinking game where you do a shot every time someone says 'money plane', 'the house' or 'McGillicuddy'. Disclaimer: you might die.
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