
spoken to her for the first time since Sunday, 3pm. She called this morning to ask me to order some birthday gifts for people and because she was desperate to tell me she'd been made a House Captain. She called me after they got home from school to tell me she couldn't do ballet tonight because they were having tea at the boarding house as part of a birthday party for her friends. She's having a sleepover in the other dorm tonight because at 6am her roommate is leaving to go back to Vietnam and the house parent has decided Katie being awake at 5am is not a good plan. Which is what would happen for sure!

Today was their year 5 and 6 swimming gala. Her house won and they got medals. Individually, she also won her medley race by over 10 seconds. I asked her before she told me this if she'd won anything. She said no. I asked her "so how did you get on in the races then?". She said "I came first in my medley race. But I didn't win anything. There were no prizes". The child is so very literal! She chuckled when she realised our confusion. And was very pleased with her race outcome. 

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