
By Enzotraveldog

Sunrise paddle

Sunrise check: 6.32 and still turning up to work every day!

Too busy to post yesterday!

The Silverback finished off the Men’s Shed music studios in the morning while the tilers finished tiling, (just bits of fitting off left to do). The folks moved back in, helped with the cleaning up and put the bedroom back together in the afternoon. Then we discovered the thermostat on the hot water service had croaked while we were away, so Shaun the electrician had to be called in. Leftover ‘frozos’ for dinner. Big day!

Extraordinary cold morning today (3 degrees C when the sun popped up). Expected top 19.

Four little ‘grommies’ were surfing in the mist at dawn while their mum took photos with a telephoto lens.

Looks like a few days of nice small surf coming up!


Err...Grommets are small children who surf.
Of course it’s Queensland no word is left unaltered, hence ‘grommies’ or ‘groms’.

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