
By lauriin

A Place On The Other Side

I had a bad start to today, trying to track down my tickets tomorrow and being on hold forever. The ticket people messed up so bad, everyone that ordered tickets to the Give It A Name Tour now has to stand in another queue to collect their tickets with their credit card and details on the day of the concert (which is tomorrow) and then line up to get inside. The venue was changed because there wasn't as big a demand for tickets as they expected and the people at haven't posted anyone's tickets to them or notified them of what they are supposed to do/when they are getting the tickets. Avoid buying tickets from this site if you can... they are no help whatsoever! They couldn't tell me when I could queue for my tickets, when the concert started or anything and I?m still getting charged for the non-delivery of my tickets.

I had another snowboarding lesson today at Polmont Ski Slope. It's started to get repetitive but I think that's because two new kids got put into our group for lessons and they don't know as much as we do so it's like starting over for their sake. It was still fun though. My partner of today had to be taken to hospital because she hurt her arm. She thinks she dislocated her elbow, she done it a while ago and thinks it's happened again. I didn't know that was possible and no the accident wasn't anything to do with me! She fell off the ramp onto her arm.

Later on tonight I went a stroll over the foreshore for 20 minutes because I was bored and couldn't be bothered going out wandering the streets with my friends for hours.

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